All Christian business owners, and their representatives, are welcome. All trades are welcome and there is no limit to the number of members per profession. Members are listed on our website in the order of membership. Membership is $50 per YEAR. In addition, there is a $35.00 application fee due upon completion of membership application. We meet the first and third Wednesday of each month. We meet in the '1927' room at the Hassayampa Inn 122 E Gurley St. Meetings begin at 9 a.m. and conclude at 10 a.m.. Meetings are free and not required.
Our members believe in the Holy Bible, and only the Holy Bible with no additions or deletions.
“and if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, God will take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.” (Revelations 22:12)
Christian Based Businesses
Advance your faith and realize the prosperity in your business and profession with others
As Christians we love and support our brothers. Our business income is a gift from God by which we are given our daily bread. We can support fellow Christians by hiring Christian based businesses as often as possible. By keeping the business among Christians, each CBFC member will be able to generate more income for their business and family and will tithe more to their church which will enable their church to help even more Christians.
There are thousands of people in our community who will hire Christian owned businesses If they knew where to find us. This is where Christian Business Fellowship Club, CBFC, comes in. Our member list is on our website for all to see along with the members’ contact information and a link to their web site. CBFC strives to be the central location for everyone in our area to find dependable Christian owned businesses that all have one common thread, Jesus Christ is our Savior!